Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Fale challenge

Hello bloggers, today my class and I had a Fale challenge. My class had to come to the google meet and share 10 items that were the same colour as our Fale. The colour of my Fale is green so I brought ten items that were green.  I put mine into a presentation.

I hope you enjoy it:



  1. Kia ora Mila,

    What a fun activity! You were very resourceful in finding 10 items. Was it hard to do?

    Looking forward to future blog posts,
    Miss Laxa

  2. Hey Mila!

    I like that you explained in your introduction what this activity was about! I also liked how you chose to present your results in a presentation, such a good idea!

    Which one was your hardest to find? Which one was the easiest to find? I reckon your T-shirt was the easiest and cone was the hardest..

    Happy blogging Mila!

  3. Hi Mila,

    I really like the way you wrote the name of the things on top.

    Witch one was the easiest to find.
    Did you enjoy playing the game.

    Let's go Totara!

  4. Wow that would have been hard to find though! I hope you had a bit of a challenge finding them because I defiantly would!
